COVID-19 Business Recovery
Solutions and Resources for Business Recovery Planning
If you are among the many businesses facing tough economic challenges presented by COVID-19, you’re looking for ways to restructure, cut costs, streamline systems and processes, and safeguard your working capital.
Included on this page are topics and resources for:
- Restructuring IT Systems
- Remote workstations and network security
- Successful telecommuting and staff training
- Resources for businesses affected by COVID-19
Restructuring? Call for an audit of your current IT systems.
Restructuring IT
Managed and Co-Managed IT, Cloud Solutions, VoIP
How to Reduce Expenditures and Increase Efficiency
Restructuring your IT systems and outsourcing some or all of your IT are quick ways to streamline and instantly reduce expenses.
Reducing office space, implementing an efficient phone system, and utilizing cloud services for existing IT equipment are just a few of the immediate ways you can save up to 80% on your current IT expenses.
“Change is the only constant in life. One’s ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life.”
-Benjamin Franklin
Looking to Cut Costs While Restructuring?
Free up valuable resources and deliver the level of service and support that your customers expect with a VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone system.
Business telephone systems designed for your company’s needs. Advanced and reliable communication solutions without high costs or frustrating complexity.
We can save you up to 80% on your current phone system.
A VoIP phone system frees up critical resources, increases staff efficiency, and helps deliver the high level of service and support that your customers expect.
Remote Workstations and Network Security
Unsecured home workstations put you at risk. Attacks are on the rise.
The COVID-19 pandemic hit and employees around the globe were sent home to work. Most employers did not have the time or resources to ensure remote workstations were secure.
Criminals are taking full advantage of the opportunity. Cyberattacks and phishing attacks aimed at employees have spiked–and will continue to climb.
Is your network secure? Get our free guide and find out.
Don’t Wait to Be a Victim. Secure your network now.
What kind of security do your remote workstations need? What can you do yourself and what needs to be contracted out? Give us a call for a free consultation.
What Our Clients Say
For security, detailed references are available by request.
Get in touch and let us know how we can help!